Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fabshop Hop Cupcake Blocks

The October FabShop Hop has cupcake block patterns for hoppers. I'm in love with these blocks.

I've always been a half-hearted hopper during past hops, but not this time, I want all the blocks, preferably in yummy reproduction fabrics. Being the procrastinator that I am I'm trying to figure out the logistics of having a block swap. Do I have the time? Do I have the fabric? My stash has gotten pretty big and I don't really want to buy fabric...but I can just vision all those yummy cupcakes hanging on my wall.

Hopefully with the harvest season coming to an end and the fall/winter months just ahead I'll have more time now the the cannning and freezing are pretty much winding down leaving more time for sewing and some constructive procrastination.

If anyone is intersted in maybe swapping a block let me know.